Focus on: 2023 IFS Institute DEI Highlights

IFS News
IFS Institute DEI Highlights 2023

As we reflect on 2023, we want to share with our community some of the ways the IFS Institute is working to apply the principles of our DEI statement. In particular, we want to focus on our commitments to take accountability for our learning, as well as attracting and retaining a more diverse community. 

This year, executive assistant, Amanda Connell, organized presentations by seven experts in various areas to present to our growing IFS Institute employees as well as our IFS Trainer community. Each session has been a steppingstone in our collective journey toward a more inclusive and equitable environment. They've equipped us with tools to engage thoughtfully, understand deeply, and act meaningfully within our spheres of influence, and we’re pleased to provide here a summary of the learning. 

We began in January with Regina Wei leading a discussion on "Healing the Effects of Racism." This pivotal session laid the groundwork for our exploration by highlighting the importance of acknowledging and addressing the impact of systemic issues. 

In February, Ebony Williams guided us through a session on "Cultural Humility & Intersectionality," emphasizing the significance of embracing diverse perspectives and understanding the interconnected nature of identities. 

Dr. Philip Butler joined us in April, shedding light on the importance of "Centering Blackness." This session was a powerful reminder of the need to amplify and honor Black voices within our communities. 

May brought us Fatimah Finney's insightful discussion on "Understanding Microaggressions," fostering awareness about subtle but impactful forms of discrimination. 

Continuing this enriching journey, Lance Hicks delved into "Gender & Sexuality" in June, promoting a deeper understanding of the nuanced landscape of gender identities and sexual orientations. 

July's session Jennifer Whittacre joined us to present "Understanding Neurodiversity" emphasizing the importance of embracing different neurological perspectives. 

We wrapped up the series in October when Ericka Hart and Rosa Bramble Caballero's offered a discussion on "Social & Racial Justice." Their expertise offered invaluable insights into fostering justice and equity within our communities. 

In addition to our learning, we’ve also focused on efforts to create an inclusive environment where the IFS principles/teachings are more accessible to communities with cultural variances or those that have specific needs to be met. IFSI is exploring new initiatives with dynamic trainers and experts who work in various spaces. In June of 2023, Jory Agate led the first IFS Workshop in American Sign Language (ASL). We will be exploring additional culture-centered initiatives in 2024. 

Finally, our 2023 scholarship budget allowed IFSI to give a modest scholarship gift to around 30% of training program participants; all of which met the eligibility guidelines. In 2024, IFSI intends to continue this support through its scholarship program. 

We hope this information provides helpful insight into the work being done within IFSI. We look forward to continuing this momentum, championing diversity, equity, and inclusion in our daily interactions as we work to create a community where every voice is heard, valued, and celebrated.