Hybrid (874): Eastern Time Zone, Beverly, MA (Nickname: Hickory Row)

The Informational Brochure linked to this page contains essential information: 

  • Dates & Daily Schedules, Tuition & Finances, CE Credit, and more!



2023: December 7-10 (on-site)
2024: January 8 (online), February 8-11 (online), March 12 (online), April 11-14 (on-site)


Lead Trainer: Rina Dubin, Ed.D, Lic. Psych., IFS Certified

Assistant Trainer: Ellie Cunanan-Petty, LMFT, IFS Certified


Training sessions are either online only or on-site only. On-site sessions meet at Wylie Conference Center in Beverly, MA: https://www.wyliecenter.com/

Enrollment Closed

Hybrid (874): Eastern Time Zone, Beverly, MA (Nickname: Hickory Row)

Program Assistants

Increase your professional competence and confidence by helping others learn IFS. Program assistants participate in trainings tuition free.

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